About Us
By the year 2008, DLG’s Transformation into Various Business Sector was Prominent, and Spreading the Rich Management Experience and Giving it back to the Community was the Primary Focus of the Company, it spread out to various Business Sectors, call it a Vertical Agriculture, Foods, Research & Development, Hospitality, Cold Chain Logistics & Education.

O. K. Sanjit
In a career spanning over two decades, out of which one decade is in the IT Industry, Mr. Sanjit has gained versatile experience in diversified industries.
Before venturing on his own, Mr. Sanjit BTech & MS (Computer Science) USA, worked in Wall Street, New York City, for CitiBank, Merrill Lynch, and Chase Manhattan Bank. He successfully built and ran 3 IT companies in Silicon Valley with over 1600 employees. He is a visiting faculty for many Management institutes including IIM’s. A widely travelled, an avid reader, an astute thinker and is a Farmer and a Chef by Choice.

Dr. C. P. Gopakumar
Managing Director
A Career Spanning 30 years, Dr. C. P. Gopakumar is popularly known as Father of Modern Piggery in India.
Before joining DLG in the year 2009, he was a Lead Project Manager of Kerala Livestock Development Board. He was also a Livestock Expert in the FAO/UN.
Dr. Gopakumar, MVSc is India’s leading Swine Breeding expert and is the person instrumental for introducing 3 Tier Production Pyramid in India. He was trained in Philippines, China and Europe and was solely responsible for introducing Duroc Breed in India.

Twinkle S. Madhav
Twinkle S. Madhav has a BTech (EEE) & has more than 15 years of Industry experience, and brings a unique combination of expertise in the areas of Information Technology, Training & Public Relations.
In her current role, she handles Business Strategy, Marketing & Media Relations.
She is a professionally trained Indian Classical Dancer.